Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Halloween Scrooges

The kids that live in the apartment across from mine made some pumpkins for Halloween. They were those small pumpkins that you draw or paint on instead of carving them, and this way they can be turned around and used as a decoration until December. I never took much notice of them until today but there was something pretty silly about them: they drew a pumpkin on the pumpkin, instead of a face. They drew a stem, the outline, and though it doesn't show up so well in the picture, they drew lines to denote the pumpkininny texture. Although I laughed, it actually makes me sad how quickly and rapidly Halloween is changing, so many kids aren't allowed to actually carve a pumpkin, or they do all their trick or treating at a church or the zoo. When was it decided that all the Halloween festivities were so dangerous? I realize they can be, but they aren't any more dangerous now then they ever were. And any parent who keeps their children away from the good Halloween fun is only depriving their child of the fun they themselves enjoyed as children.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


This is my first adventure into the world of blogging, and so far it has been a long and horrifying experience. I wouldn't say I'm 'computer illiterate' but my knowledge of computers is probably the bare minimum of what a person in my demographic is expected to have. I know that the '.com' goes at the end and there were some 'w's in there at some point, but this process of getting a blog set up is making me feel a lot like Channel 5's Dr. Steve Brule. I hope to learn more about this soon, or forget about it quickly, I haven't decided which yet.

I have included a picture of me floating through clouds, that I made on the new photobooth program.

Bill Hader did this in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, but I didn't know it was real.